Neighborhood meetings and events


Maplewood Neighborhood Association meets on the second Thursday of the month. No meetings in July and August. The annual membership meeting with elections is held in March. Confirm scheduled meetings on the calendar above.

Check the calendar above or the agenda for location. Meetings will be held virtually and in-person at West Hills Friends Church Community Room (behind church), 7425 SW 52nd Ave. (Map)

Movie in the Park

Maplewood Community

Maplewood Neighborhood Association organizes and sponsors community events. Past events include ice cream socials, movies in the park, habitat restoration, and neighborhood improvement work parties.

Maplewood neighbors have formed the Maplewood Neighbors PDX Facebook group to stay in touch. Residents of Maplewood can request to join the group.

Maplewood Garden Tour

The Maplewood Garden Tour went virtual in 2020 with a new Maplewood Neighborhood Gardeners Facebook group featuring photos and videos of 7 gardens in the Maplewood neighborhood. Join the group to be inspired by lovely gardens and share knowledge and experiences with neighbors.

Frequently Asked Questions

about Maplewood Neighborhood Association meetings and events

Do I have to be a member to attend meetings and events?

Meetings and events are open to the public and everyone is welcome.

Can I vote at meetings?

Members vote at Membership meetings. The Annual Membership Meeting with elections is held in March.

The Board of Directors vote at Board meetings. Maplewood neighbors are welcome to attend Board meetings and share information that will help inform and direct the Board.

How can I become a member?

If you are an adult living, or owning property or a business, in the Maplewood neighborhood, the process of becoming a member of Maplewood Neighborhood Association is easy, just let us know you want to be a member.

How do topics get added to the Agenda?

We make every effort to post an Agenda 7 days before each meeting. Contact us early with your request to add a topic to the Agenda.

How do I join the Board of Directors?

Open positions can be filled anytime. Elections for all positions are held in March. Contact us to be listed on the March ballot or to express interest in filling an open position.