maplewood neighborhood association

Board of Directors

President/Chair – officerClaire Carder
Secretary – officerRenee Guirguis
Treasurer – officerJim Scherzinger
SchoolsRobin Roemer
Outreach & EventsOPEN
Public SafetySam Louke
ClimateBonnie McKinlay
ParksMike Linman
Land UseClaire Carder
TransportationStephan Lewis
WatershedJill Gaddis
~ Recruiting now to fill open positions ~

Join us in making the neighborhood a safe and great place to live.

Elections are held in March. Term is one year. Open positions can be filled anytime. Attend a meeting or contact us to learn more about serving on the board.


Create open process and structure for communication with government agencies and other organizations by which neighbors may involve themselves in the affairs of the neighborhood.


Maplewood Neighborhood Association envisions each resident civically engaged in making the neighborhood a better place for all residents.


  • Equity and Inclusion
  • Transparency
  • Anti-racism

Maplewood Community Map

Free Libraries, Attractions, Trails and Snickets

View a Google map of Maplewood neighborhood attractions including little free libraries, schools, churches, parks, trails, snickets and more. The map is designed so you can separate out the map layers to see just the libraries or just the attractions.

Neighborhood attractions map


The Maplewood Neighborhood Association is interested in gathering, scanning and cataloging materials about our neighborhood’s history. One well timed result of our research is the discovery that 100 years ago (October 11, 1919), a special election was held at the Maplewood School House to authorize the incorporation of the Maplewood Water District, “for the purpose of supplying inhabitants with water for domestic purposes,” and to elect five commissioners.

Our small neighborhood has a history of civic involvement, and we are continuing that legacy today. If you are interested in researching and documenting Maplewood’s history or have photos or documents to share, contact us.

Historical image from 1915
C.Faye Birrel and “Bubbles” around 1915. At the time this picture was taken, the Birrel house was located at what is now the end of SW California Street between 63rd and 65th Avenues.

maplewood centennial project (2012)

Like all Oregon neighborhoods, Maplewood has a rich pioneer history. In 1976, Marjorie Hoffman wrote a classic document filled with great stories and photos to celebrate Maplewood’s Centennial in 1975. Here’s her Forward from that piece. The entire document can be viewed as an attachment below. Our June 12, 2012 Maplewood History Tour borrowed extensively from that text to bring history to life right on our neighborhood streets.

Forward, from Maplewood Centennial, 1875-1975:

Mrs. Laurel Fechner, President of the Maplewood PTA for the 1974-75 year, asked me to collect whatever information might be available about the community’s early history. She wanted this for the children of all eight grades so they could use it as a reference in their studies about pioneer times in Maplewood in Preparation for their Centennial celebration in the spring of 1975.
The result of delving into the history of an area such as Maplewood is a deeper appreciation for those who came to settle with the determination to improve their lives and the lives of those who shared their dream of a better place to live, work and raise their families. There are, undoubtedly, other old-timers, besides those mentioned here, who could add to the memories and pictures of early Maplewood. This has been left for the children of Maplewood to pursue further. Thank you for asking me to compile a part of the history of the early community.
Marjorie E. Hoffman September, 1976

History Booklet